Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012

Well, well, well, its beginning to look allot like Christmas that's for sure! Last night was super cold and it snowed but it didn't stick but it is still it is only 9 degrees and it only November!!!It's crazy haha! As you drive and with the humidity here, you can actually see it freezing in the air!! It's like sparkles in the air and it is actually kinda cool!! 

This week just went by so fast for me....its crazy how fast a mission goes...

Elder Gavaret from the Seventy will be coming up to speak to us all. We are excited for that it should be a great experience for us. This will be my first Mission Conference. 
This week has been goo..., me and Elder Ly,  my new companion who is from Sacramento California, we are doing good and we get along well. We have met some cool people already. Elder Ly's dad is the Bishop of the Hmong ward in Sacramento. There are 2 wards and a branch there so he is Bishop of one of the wards in North Sacramento. 

This week we went down to south Minneapolis, we live in north Minneapolis which is the ghetto of Minneapolis.... there are shootings and gangsters here all the time so its was really different going from north Minneapolis to south, but while we were down there we ran into this huge community of native Americans and it was actually kinda cool because I had just got done reading from our family history from the Crandall side about how we are part native American so I was like, I need to teach all these people!!! They are all Lamanites and we have the Book of their was cool.. 
 We have found some new investigators, two couples so we are excited to teach them. They are really cool too. We have been trying to find part members so we are working with all the part members. This coming week will be a good one with the Mission Conference and we are planning for the Hmong New Years Celebration again. This one is in St. Paul and is the biggest one. So we are preparing for that and are excited for it!! Allot of preparing in the next week. I am hoping to receive revelation at Mission Conference our theme will be prayers of faith so I'm excited and ready to receive revelation for myself and for my area!!
Anyway, I love you all and hope you all have a wonderful week..
Love always,
Elder Crandall 


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