Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26, 2012

Wow Markel's call is so cool Houston Texas Spanish speaking!!!That is sweet!! Its going to be a struggle for mom since she is always tempted to see her children ha ha.... but we all know mom won't do it ha ha!!! and Kelsey's call is super cool too!! New York Spanish speaking.... hopefully Markel and her aren't in the same Spanish class in the mtc ha ha that would be a rough one on the teacher.. also Markel can now find her brother a Texas girl...just kidding y'all! :)

So first things first, this week was a really good week. How was everyone's Thanksgiving? I had a interesting one.... probably the first and last Thanksgiving that I will have like this! ha ha. We had Duck instead of turkey and no potatoes and gravy ha ha but it was a really good one!! I mean Thanksgiving is Thanksgiving right?

So this week was the Hmong New Year and as you see from the pictures it was crazy!! There were so many people there and the cloths that we are wearing are the traditional clothes that the Hmong wear.. They're pretty cool. I'm gonna have to get some before I leave! This event marks the end of the harvest season and its been going on for over 1000 years. When they lived in China, Thailand and Laos and they do this celebration here in America too, so its pretty cool! There were so many people, I say around 30,000 to 40,000 so it was cool that's for sure. Sorry i took mostly videos and I can't send videos over the email because they're to big so you will just have to see when I get home! At the Hmong New Years they have a pageant that they do, like Miss Hmong America or whatever it's called so that's the main purpose  of the event.
 I met a guy from Thailand, he was pretty cool and was like.... " wow you speak Hmong?" he was surprised a tall white guy could speak Hmong ha ha but it was funny. I got allot of weird looks with the Hmong clothes on but allot of compliments because I was white and wearing Hmong clothes.
 So another cool thing too was there was a Hmong girl from China. There are allot of Hmong people in China and she actually is Mormon and is living in SLC right now. She is promoting a CD and a family from SLC sponsored her to come to America and study and sing and stuff. She was really cool, she asked me what part of Utah I lived in and told her the Provo area. She was like okay cool when do you get home from your mission? I told her next November, she was like awesome I will give you my phone number and when you get home you can come up to SLC and I will cook for you and you can bring your friends. It was cool because now I got a Hmong friend in Utah!! She speaks Hmong, Chinese, and I assume English but I'm not sure about English because I didn't talk to her in English. :) so that was a really cool experience her name is Ling Lee so you all can check her music out but it will be in Hmong.

I wished you all could have came to the Hmong New Years! It was an event I definitely want to come back to.

This week was great and looking forward to the next... its so cold here ah ha but luckily I only have to survive one winter yeaaaaay!!  

Well I love you all! Have a great week.
Love always, 
Elder Crandall 


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