Monday, December 10, 2012

December 10, 2012

Hello everyone!
Well I have finally got my taste of winter here! If you all haven't seen on the news well we have about 2 feet of snow that we got all in one day and today it was 4 degrees and tonight its supposed to be -19 so here we go into the cold for about 4 months ha ha!

 This week was a great week for me and Elder Ly. We had allot of success and taught allot of people. We set a date with a girl so we are excited for that now and hopefully we don't get transferred ha ha! Some of you may wonder how many Hmong areas there are in the mission, well right now there are only two Minneapolis and St. Paul but there are 2 areas in Wisconsin but no Hmong missionaries are there. President is giving it a rest for a while. Hopefully sometime during my mission i will get to go outside of the twin cities but I like the cities, it's fun and exciting.

Lets see I'm sure all of you by now saw our singing we did.... Well it was pretty cool! I think ha ha!! but you all probably got a good laugh out of it and that's what it was intended for!!
For our Christmas gift that we are giving to President this year, every missionary had to record them reading a chapter of the Book of Mormon then the AP's are putting it on a cd and giving it to them. Its a cool gift. I had to read 2 Nephi chapter 15... its an Isaiah chapter so it was fun!! 
This week is our Christmas training and party thing. We are excited to here from President Clements and be with all the other missionaries.
Well let me tell you all about our experience with the snow.. so here when the road are bad we aren't allowed to drive. We have to keep the gas half full at least all the time to prevent the gas line freezing and we have to wash the car 2 times a month. So it's allot and I have to drive until the end of December because President said the person who has had the most experience driving in snow needs to drive until the end of the month and my companion is from California.... so yeah I won by default!! :)  but anyways.. yesterday we got about 2 feet of snow and it was insane we had to walk every where. We just went out and helped people shovel. We walked for about 3 or 4 miles and it took us from 2 to 7 to do just that! It was so exhausting but fun! It was a big storm that's for sure!! Walking in snow up to my knees but we had fun!! 

Well i hope all of you are staying warm and are having a great Christmas season! Love you all!! 
Elder Crandall

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