Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hello family and friends,
Well its been a while since ya'll heard from me, since I didn't write a letter last week. There is allot that has happened but I don't have time to write about everything so I will give you the highlights.

So first things first... we had our branch Christmas party it was really good we as missionary's sang Silent Night in Hmong it was scary ha ha!! I'm not a good singer and there were allot of people there, but it was really good. President Hugh was there. It was really good to see him and talk to him he told me to tell grandpa hi.... so yea.

i think the second thing was Christmas and Christmas eve: so for Christmas Eve we did missionary work... we went and caroled for some members and it was really fun! We went to a members house and had dinner. He is the only member in his family but it was really fun. He has a big family and we played some games with them. His sisters gave me and Elder Ly a tie for Christmas so it was a great Christmas Eve. On Christmas day we woke up opened our presents and then we went to the institute building on the campus of the University of Minnesota and played ping pong and pool with our zone leaders. It was fun! We also had two dinners that night and I though I was going to explode! I couldn't eat anymore!! The highlight was obviously talking to the family we skyped and it was a great experience! I got to see them all!!  We had fun talking and catching up on everything.

Well I have about 11 months counting January left! Time seems to go by so fast and its just not fair but I have enjoyed my mission so far and am ready for another adventure this year 2013. I think right now all the hmong Elders are just excited for the end of January because we will be receiving 3 new hmong missionary so we are all excited and looking forward to some change ha ha I have been in the Minneapolis area for 4 transfers now and I was in St. Paul for 4 transfers as well....I love the branch I am in and I'm glad i get to stay in it a long time and really get to know the members. I think it would be harder to keep moving around to different wards.I have really enjoyed staying in the same branch my whole mission.

I am now starting to feel comfortable in the language it takes a while but its now going great. I can express my deepest feelings and communicate with them really well now so it's going great.

Tomorrow is our p-day we just get to email today but tomorrow we are going ice fishing with the branch so I'm excited to go ice fishing and ready to freeze! I think tomorrow its only supposed to be 10 degrees for a high and -5 or so for the low so it will be a cold one!

I hope you all had a great Christmas and a great New Years! It's the time to set goals for ourselves and make ourselves progress in life!

Here are some recent pictures. enjoy
Love always,
                 Elder Crandall

Elder Abbott, Elder Thao, Cindy Her (member), Elder Ly, and  Me

One of the many Minnesota lakes frozen over for the winter!

Just a little modeling on the lake!

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