Monday, January 7, 2013

Hello Family!

Well its been a cold week here but its been really great I had allot of spiritual uplifting experiences this week. The only downfall is I'm catching a cold, so hopefully I get over that quickly!
Well first things first.... We went ice fishing on Tuesday and it was really fun... but so bitter cold!! We didn't really catch anything but we played football on the ice though and it was really fun.... the ice was super thick! People had there trucks and stuff out in the middle of the lake. That was a fun part of the week.

We went on two exchanges this week. The first one was on Wednesday with Elder Abbott. He came over here to Minneapolis and we had a great time together! We had a great talk and we stayed up until 12 30 and just talked.... it was fun but I never want to do it again.  I was so tired ha ha but we just talked about how we know that we were called to be hmong missionaries for a reason....because we are usually with the same missionaries all the time, we don't move around much and we create a really special bond with the other hmong missionaries and that we believe that these bonds will last though out our lives and not just the mission. We see the English missionaries always moving around and don't really get allot of time to create that bond so it has been a blessing and we just talked about how we will all be there for each other even after the mission and still have that bond.
The next exchange was with our zone leaders. I went with Elder Checketts from Bountiful Utah. He is a really great guy.... we have gone on 2 or 3 exchanges before so it was fun working with him again, he showed me allot of great and useful tips. It was so much fun and I always receive so much revelation when I go with him, its awesome. He taught me a perfect definition for joy....  Joy is knowing that you and God are in an acceptable was a great exchange.

We have recently found this young man he is about 24 and is really awesome! He has such a great desire! When we shared the restoration, the spirit hit him so hard and after we had shared the first vision with him he was just like, "as you where saying that I prayed in my heart to know if it was true, and I believe what you guys are saying is true." So we invited him to baptism and he said yes. We also taught his dad and he said yes to baptism as well! It was awesome they go to a different church and they're like we don't understand what our pastor teaches us but when you guys teach us it makes sense. It was truly a miracle that we taught them this week.
Overall great week.... I hope you are all doing well and I hope you enjoy the pictures of ice fishing. 

Have a great week, I love you all!!

-Elder Crandall

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