Monday, January 14, 2013

Hey Family!

Hello family!
How are you all doing? Minnesota is going great. I hope you are all staying warm now that it seems like winter is actually here!! Here in Minnesota its been -10 degrees for the past 3 or 4 days.... it has been bitter cold out tracking but its been a great experience!

One trait I have learned from my mission is your attitude matters!! President Clements trained us on this about 3 months ago.... he said our mission is where we will learn how to be successful in life, if we have a positive attitude we will be successful in life. There is a cool thing that I have learned that I want to share with you all it's the word PACE.
As we pace ourself in life and apply this to us then we will never have a bad moment. It has been great as I have applied this in my life now and how my views change on everything and how I conduct myself. My favorite talk is the talk President Uchtdorf gave this General Conference "Of Regrets and Resolutions" 
Here in life it's short and we need to cherish every moment. He talks about how we always look at the end of our journey's or whatever we go and we end up missing out on the experience of the journey because we are so focused on the end of it.

Anyway just some thoughts I have been thinking about lately. I hope you all live life without regrets. As my uncle's always say "NO REGRETS"!! I really have applied that and I feel like there is no reason for us to regret if we always have a positive attitude and look at the happy moments in life!

The work here is going great. We are finding allot of new people that seem committed and have real potential. I found that as I look at the person as what they can become rather than what they are now, it changes the whole lesson or whatever it may be. We should all take that upon ourselves as Pres. Monson has instructed us to do! I'm so grateful for my mission and the growth and the happiness it brings to me and to other people. I love sharing my testimony about our Savior Jesus Christ and growing closer to him every day.  As we share our testimonies with others our conversion deepens and it's our conversion that sustains us in life's trials. I encourage all of you to deepen your testimony and share it with someone this week, I promise it will help them out and your faith will grow!

We are teaching a man, he is 21.  He is so devoted to Christ. He is currently attending a different church but he is an active seeker.... he came to church yesterday and he loved it. He is the youngest son and he is worried his family won't understand. We compared his circumstance to Nephi and that he will be the tool that will bring his family to the gospel and it solved his concern and he is doing so great! I get along with him really well.... he loves basketball and sports so we talk a little about that! 

It is really funny... we are teaching all YSA aged young women so about in there 20's and all the other missionaries make fun of us and our Branch President..... but it's so weird every house we knock on it is always a young women we meet..... it so weird I don't know why. The work is picking up and we are really excited we have had a great week.

So the 21 year old kid, we shared the Plan of Salvation with him and he just told us "I never have learned about this, nobody at my church teaches anything like this". He has word of wisdom problem but we committed him to live the word of wisdom and he said yes without hesitation he was like, "I know this will help me." i just have really felt so blessed to teach such awesome people and to know such great people I really love the mission and the work that is going on right now. We teach a scriptures study class every Sunday and it has been great. I love teaching to them and teaching in general. I feel I learn so much as I teach. 

I'm grateful for all of you and I really love you all and thank you for the support you have given me so far!

Have a great week and love ya!
                    -Elder Crandall

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