Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29, 2013

Wow this week has gone by really fast for me! I don't know why but its been a quick one that's for sure.

It is also getting COLD here which is not to great ha ha just kidding.... its usually 40 degrees or in the 30's so it's getting down there. Its been a wonderful week though on Saturday we had an Elders Quorum activity where we played football and they cooked Talapia fish and we had sticky rice. It was okay, I'm just not a fan of fish that's for sure. Anyways, they put me and Elder Abbott on opposite teams because we were the two white people ha ha, but I was QB most the time... yea y'all can just call me Tom Brady!! Just kidding ha ha but it was really fun and I am super sore from it!! I got out of bed on Sunday and today and I can barley walk ha ha!!

So we had some cool experiences this week... as well as some not good ones. Our date set dropped us and her parents don't want us meeting with her anymore so it was really sad but we just keep moving on... President Clements encouraged us to do service for the investigators and members of the ward, so we took that in and did about 8 hours of service this week raking leaves. There are so many leaves here that's for sure ha ha but its good to do service. 

So just last night we taught a really cool lesson to a former investigator and we had no gas left in our car.... like it was empty and we were worried about making it home and so we said a prayer and it was the craziest experience ever. We were about 8 miles from home and every time we go home from this place we usually hit allot of red lights, but this time every time we got to a light it was green! It was an answer to our prayers that's for sure. We got home with enough gas. We actually went over the miles that our gas things said we had left.

We have picked up two new investigators this week who we are really excited to work with and they're both older people. We are so excited they are really interested in the gospel and doing what God wants them to do.

We are preparing for Mission Conference on November 13. Someone from the 70's will be coming so I'm excited for that!! This past Tuesday we had interviews with President... it was a good time! He told us that we will be getting 3 new Hmong Elders in January so to start preparing for them. We are excited!! That will put us up to 8 Hmong Elders once they come.

Many of you are have wondered what I'm doing for my birthday on the 3rd.....they have a big Hmong New Year's celebration and it's held in the Metro Dome where the Vikings play so I'm excited for that! They hold two of them and the other one will be the 23 or 24 November. That one is in St. Paul.... it's bigger than the one we are going to be going to here on my birthday. We have allot going on in November. Mission Conference, and two Hmong New Year's Celebrations!!! 

My mission has been so great and I don't really see how I have changed but I feel others have! I will be 20 on Saturday and everyone tells me I have to be an adult! I don't feel like I'm an adult or even close to being a adult haha like my parents, uncles and aunts and grandparents who have taught me so well. I hope one day I will be like you all. 
My mission has changed my life that's for sure and its brought me closer to my Heavenly Father and my Savior. I know that missions are the best thing in the world and that all my cousins and the people who may read this, if they are deciding whether or not to go on one... I CAN TELL YOU RIGHT NOW THAT YOU NEED TO GO ON ONE! 

I LOVE YOU ALL and have a great week!
Elder Crandall

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