Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8, 2012

Dear family,
Wow first of all... how about that announcement in conference i was stunned but the satellite system wasn't working at the church so we missed the first 20 min and the announcement!! It came on right as Elder Cook talked and we were like what happened? ha ha but it was awesome finding out. I think I am most excited to hear where my two siblings will be going and that they are putting there papers in on the same day... how cool is that!! That is the coolest experience I think! I know they will never forget the experience. 

This conference was absolutely amazing though. It was allot of revelation and answers to my prayers that's for sure. They talked allot about family history and its been on my mind allot lately and it just testified that when I get home to be involved in my family history. I am excited for that and ready!
So my favorite talk of the whole conference was Elder Uchtdorf's talk in the Saturday morning session about happiness and having no regrets in life! Just as all my uncles say to me in every letter "NO REGRETS" It has reminded me of them and I'm grateful for their words and their willingness to write to me! I love how he said: "we need to learn how to live life to be happy and we become happy as we fallow our Savior Jesus Christ!

One of my favorite quotes is by President Abraham Lincoln he says: "and in the end it is not the years in your life that count, it is the life in your years". how true is that statement! Are we living life by the year or are we living life by the experiences and blessing we receive each day and each year! I have found that true happiness has come from fallowing the Savior and his counsel to serve to be humble and most of all to have Faith, Hope, And Charity. Just as Moroni teaches us without these three attributes we can not enter into the kingdom of God. This past week I have study these in depth and have ponder and prayed allot about them I know that charity is the pathway to happiness and will allow us to enter into Gods kingdom. I encourage all of you to gain and have charity in your daily lives, because I know this world needs more of it as it gets more and more wicked.

This past week I was on exchanges pretty much all week. It has been great and has really been a blessing. I went on exchanges with my zone leader and it was the best exchange ever and I learned allot from him and just had the best time bonding and helping one another. That's what we are supposed to do... help one another! Anyway I also went on exchanges with a brand new missionary who has only been out a week. He came to my area and probably didn't understand anything but it taught me humility and that we can learn from anyone regardless of age!

I'm grateful my family and Elder Abbott's family had the chance to meet some people from the mission and I'm really grateful for the people in my mission, especially Elder Mearns! He is an amazing person and I look up to him allot.

I hope you all have a great week.

Love always, 
Elder Crandall
Pa,Cindy,Yer,Sister & Borther Gardner, Taylor Mearns,Dustin Belliston&sisters, Grandma Hunt, Mom, Sister Abbott, Hunter, Dad,Markel,Clayci,Lindsay,Aleah.

Minnesota friends! 


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